
Purity Pool was founded in 1961 by Dick Gross, an experienced service technician. Unsatisfied with the products available at the time, and trying to always squeeze the most efficiency possible out of his time at every stop, he was constantly modifying his tools and inventing new ones. It wasn’t long before he was marketing his inventions to others. Purity soon became solely a manufacturing company, devoted to providing only the most efficient and durable tools for the serious service professional.

Purity’s innovations include a turned leading edge, changing the design of leaf rakes forever by enabling them to work efficiently scooping (pushing) as well as raking (pulling). The introduction of the Enforcer handle years later made any Purity leaf rake frame many times stronger by distributing pressure across the frame.

Purity Pool is a true family business. Over 50 years later, Dick still remains the principal designer, with his wife Julie as Operations Manager. The face seen by most at trade shows and working with customers and vendors is his son Rich.